About me

Hi! I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student at the Center for Statistical Science, Tsinghua University, fortunate to be advised by Professor Dong Li. In 2023, I visited the Department of Statistics at Harvard University for one year, and I am fortunate to be mentored by Professor Zheng (Tracy) Ke.

My primary research interests lie in the field of financial econometrics, non-linear time series analysis, network analysis, ranking inference and topic modeling. Besides, I have a broad interest in exploring the interactions of statistics with various disciplines, and considering ways in which statisticians can better contribute to the wider scientific community.

Beyond research, I also enjoy music, movies and travel.

I am on the 2023-2024 job market.



Email: taoyx19[at]mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, or taoyx19[at]gmail.com